
Debut gig with one of the most well-known Hungarian rappers ‘Desh’ is in the corner. Therefore I did a drum-video with one of his songs and it’s also the first recording with my wonderfully sounding Sonor SQ1 kit. Enjoy watching!

It's a huge honor and privilege to be a part of this prestigious and historical company and use their absolutely top-notch, unique drums, not to mention the glamorous artist roster I find myself in! It's a new chapter and I could not be more excited and motivated regarding the future!

adammarko slider cover 2023

Brand new video of mine just came out at Vic Firth, performing ‘Secret Shifter’ from the first album of Kaltenecker-Marko! Enjoy watching!

I'm thrilled to announce this year's fantastic line-up at Marko Drum Farm™️ featuring the one and only Jost Nickel and the amazing double-kick monster Kerim "Krimh" Lechner. Each of us are representing different things and approaches in drumming which I'm sure will make this drum camp incredibly useful for drummers whose are looking for inspiration. 3 days of intense training at the beautiful lakeside of Lake Balaton in Hungary. 6 hours / day - hands on masterclasses, clinics every night!

? Date: August 31st - September 3rd
? Info/registration: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MDF insta ENG

Stoked to release this play-through video of ‘Space Junk’ the title song of our first album with Kaltenecker-Marko  ??
Was fun to incorporate my brand new Smack Stack by Meinl Cymbals into the song. Have fun watching!

02 MarkoDrumCamp Post

My absolute pleasure to announce my first Drum Camp featuring my good drum buddies Derrick Mckenzie (Jamiroquai) & Gulli Briem (Mezzoforte) which gonna be held between 25th-28th of August at the beautiful lakeside of Balaton, Pálköve in Hungary. 6 hours / day -  hands on masterclasses, clinics every night! 
? Registration/Info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
? Event:

Stoked to have my new signature hoodie OUT today in collaboration with Dorko! It’s been my dream ages ago to create a cool signature clothing for drummers which somehow represents the passion and power of the art we do ✌?

Grab yours while it lasts ?




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